Class details

KS1 Multisports Afterschool Club (4 - 7yrs)

Friday 3:20pm - 4:05pm

Spaces Available 🎉
Venue details

Lime Tree Primary School,
South Bank Terrace,

Surbiton ,
KT6 6DG   view map

Venue Notes

Join the Platform team for the ultimate Multi-Sports experience!

Children will get the opportunity to use various equipment and learn different sports to practice their motor skills, through fun engaging games and activities children will gain a basic understanding of various sports under the guidance of our passionate coaches.

The club will teach fundamental skills to give children a solid sporting platform to succeed in the future.



This price covers the 3 sessions remaining in this term.

Friday 3:20pm - 4:05pm

3 sessions Fri 14 Mar 25 Fri 21 Mar 25 Fri 28 Mar 25